
Thank you for visiting to check in on Ryan's progress towards recovery. Ryan has always been there for everyone he knows and right now we all hope we can live up to his example by being there for him and his family while he heals. He is strong and we all know that if anyone can come through this it is him.

While Ryan's injuries are serious and frightening, the best thing for us to do is all stay on the same page with accurate information but also all stay positive and look forward to the good news to come. The aim of this site is to reflect the incremental changes in his condition. Also, this should provide a space to express your love and concern for Ryan and his family.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ryan's Progress So Far:

Ryan was involved in an accident this past Saturday afternoon while riding his bike to meet up with friends. The facts of the accident remain unclear, but he did sustain injury to his head from an impact/fall. No other injury was observed by the EMS who responded upon a head to toe examination. This was confirmed by the doctors and nurses at University Hospital upon admittance.

Ryan's main challenge over the past few days has been the level of intracranial pressure (ICP) in his head which not only poses a threat of causing further damage to his brain, but also presents difficulty in assessing the damage that has already occurred. All of his other systems have been determined to be well functioning. He has had a steady stream of visitors including family and friends. His parents arrived late Saturday/early Sunday and have been with him since (his sister and nephew arrived Tuesday and his brother is on his way). Many of his friends have volunteered to help take care of a number of areas to ensure that his family is taken care of and are not burdened with various tasks. There have been several opportunities to congregate at Ryan's new house to all reflect on how much we care about Ryan and there has even been time for a few laughs and some stellar CSI investigatory work to help shed light on what happened.

There are certainly some unanswered questions with Ryan's situation but the persisting truth has been that no news is good news and that we must all be patient and wait for his body to run its course of healing with the aid of some advanced medicine and caring doctors and nurses. On that note, there will not be constant and detailed evaluations of his condition posted here, but substantive changes will certainly be posted as quickly as they happen.


  1. Get well soon buddy!

  2. Hang in there, Ryan! I hope you get better soon!

    And thank you to those putting this blog together.
