
Thank you for visiting to check in on Ryan's progress towards recovery. Ryan has always been there for everyone he knows and right now we all hope we can live up to his example by being there for him and his family while he heals. He is strong and we all know that if anyone can come through this it is him.

While Ryan's injuries are serious and frightening, the best thing for us to do is all stay on the same page with accurate information but also all stay positive and look forward to the good news to come. The aim of this site is to reflect the incremental changes in his condition. Also, this should provide a space to express your love and concern for Ryan and his family.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Touro Update

Ryan continues to improve at Touro. Getting out of the ICU has helped him immensely. He's officially off major medications, and it is apparent. He's much more responsive and much less agitated during visits. Ryan is talking more, although the trach tube makes it difficult for him to say more than a word at a time. He's now breathing on his own without oxygen, so he's no longer attached to, or dependent on, any machines. This has been the case for the past couple days. His lungs are clear and his breathing rate is strong. The doctors are hoping to remove the trach tube later this week, and he should be able to talk more easily once it's gone.

Ryan is now getting three hours of physical therapy a day, Monday-Saturday. He gets Saturday afternoons and Sundays off, which provides a great time for friends and family to visit. The current visiting hours are 4:30-8:30pm Monday - Friday, 12-8:30pm on Saturday and 10am-8:30pm on Sunday. As you can imagine, the past seven weeks in bed make therapy extremely tiresome, but he is still managing to stay awake during most of the visiting hours. The doctors and nurses are now keeping Ryan out of bed and in a reclined seated position, which helps with his circulation. They even stood him up (held him up) for the first time today. After being sedentary for so long, doctors expect patients' blood pressure to spike when standing for the first time. Ryan didn't have any blood pressure issues today.

Ryan had some out of town visitors this past week, and you could tell that he appreciated the new company. He definitely brightens up when he sees a familiar face for the first time. He recognizes his friends and family, and he will give a big smile or even laugh when appropriate.

The doctors and nurses continue to encourage us to bring in pictures and music to entertain him. Thanks to those of you who brought in the electronic picture frame and radio. He loved watching pictures scroll tonight, and he even laughed at a few.

Ryan's sister, Regan, and his nephew, Wesley, are coming in town Thursday. His brother, Erik, is coming in this weekend. Please continue to visit if you're in town. Doctors are recommending brief, but frequent, visits. In true Memorial Day weekend fashion, we'll be doing yard work and housework at Ryan's. If you have time this weekend, try to make it by to help paint and/or clean. Every little bit helps. Thanks and take care.

Progress Made on Ryan's House

Thanks to those who came out on Sunday to help work at Ryan's house. While the left side is pretty much done and Ryan had been living there since before his accident, the right side (rental unit) remained unfinished while Ryan was focusing his money and time on the side he was living in. We made the first step towards getting it back on track by emptying out some debris and storing items that are not ready to be installed yet so that the floors could be worked on without obstruction.

We plan to have another work day on Saturday, May 28th from 10a-4p at the house. Please email jim@pnola.org if you are able to come help out. We will be painting the siding and the porch.