
Thank you for visiting to check in on Ryan's progress towards recovery. Ryan has always been there for everyone he knows and right now we all hope we can live up to his example by being there for him and his family while he heals. He is strong and we all know that if anyone can come through this it is him.

While Ryan's injuries are serious and frightening, the best thing for us to do is all stay on the same page with accurate information but also all stay positive and look forward to the good news to come. The aim of this site is to reflect the incremental changes in his condition. Also, this should provide a space to express your love and concern for Ryan and his family.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

More Alert Today

Ryan has been sedated for the past few days and resting peacefully. The doctors have emphasized that increasing the sedatives was not a set back - he continued to heal, just under quieter circumstances. They started reducing the dosages of his medications last night and he is becoming more alert. During our visit today, he was opening his eyes and making eye contact with us once again. While we don't know what he is processing or thinking about when we speak to him, he is clearly aware of our presence and following our movements. He is very responsive to his parents, which is really sweet to watch. Ryan still gets agitated/excited easily but it seems that he's able to control his reactions a little better. He was able to calm himself down without his blood pressure and breathing rate getting too high during our visit.

It's going to be a while before the doctors can do detailed assessments on his head injuries. For now, we need to wait and hope that he continues to become more alert every day. Please keep the prayers coming!

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