
Thank you for visiting to check in on Ryan's progress towards recovery. Ryan has always been there for everyone he knows and right now we all hope we can live up to his example by being there for him and his family while he heals. He is strong and we all know that if anyone can come through this it is him.

While Ryan's injuries are serious and frightening, the best thing for us to do is all stay on the same page with accurate information but also all stay positive and look forward to the good news to come. The aim of this site is to reflect the incremental changes in his condition. Also, this should provide a space to express your love and concern for Ryan and his family.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not much to report. Ryan has been off of one of the heavier medications for a good long while at this point. His pressure has not responded as well as hoped but it is being managed. His swelling (not brain, but general) is going down as he puts more distance between himself and the surgery.

I apologize for the relatively boring update, but it will be this way for awhile as we wait for Ryan to heal, which will happen as his body allows. That said, there are a number of ways that all of those who care about Ryan can help as we wait, so please keep checking back to learn about those opportunities. We all need to pull together to help out Ryan, his family, and each other!

If anyone has a great picture of Ryan please email it to jim@pnola.org and I'll put it up. I can't promise I'll get to everyone's or be able to respond if you have questions, but feel free to send anything you think is cool.


  1. Even if there's not much to report, it's so reassuring to see these updates. Thank you for the continued positive comments. Please keep them coming :)

  2. Ryan,
    My thoughts are with you and your family day and night. Stay strong, get better soon.
